Tuesday 18 March 2014

To do and wish list for my game

These two lists are things that need to be done so I get full marks, and what I ant to add to my game, red means no progress done and blue means that it's almost done.

·        Pre – Production:
o   Analyse Game structure and Produce Plans and logs for Edit
Status: Almost done – Game dev sheets
o   Utilise social Networking tools to document development of projects
Status: Done – Learner Record
o   Identify game progression challenges appropriate to the game.
o   Create game concept art
Status:  Done – Concept Board
o   Evidence of level mapping
Status: Almost done – sketch the remaining floors
·        Production:

o   Basic Level Structure
Status: Done
o   Correct use of static meshes
Status: Done
o   Physics and Particle systems
Status: Almost done – Improve placement
o   Create AI for enemies or friendlies
o   Realistic Lighting
Status: Almost done – check 4th and 5th floor
o   Sounds
o   Into/cut/end scene
Status: Almost Done – create end scene
·      Post- Production:
o  Game Q&A
o  Package
o   Game Design Report
Wish list:
  • ·        Add door puzzle linking to water volume
  • ·        Finish Teleport Room
  • ·        Place more static meshes

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