Tuesday 3 December 2013

Fractured Static meshes

Creating a fractured static mesh means that it will be destroyable in-game, adding more details to your game, and it is a very simple process. Start by selecting a static mesh on the content browser. Double clicking on it will open a new tab where you can edit it. On the top you find the Fracture tool, click it to open and start destroying your mesh.

Editing fractured static mesh properties

The number of chunks will define in how many parts will the mesh be destroyed into when shot. You can change the values to add more or less chunks and change their size. It is important that you create a few support chunk, that means all chunks will fall when you shoot all the support chunks. After you finish changing the values, click the "slice" button to create a new static mesh with the selected properties. The base mesh will still be the same.

After the mesh is created, you can go back to it to tweak some properties, like velocity and "health" (how many times you need to shoot the mesh for it to break). To add more detail to the broken parts, you can add a material to the inside of the mesh by adding a new material to the corresponding setting (highlighted below).

Material inside the mesh

After you finish editing your mesh, you will notice there is a * beside its name on the content browser. That means changes were made and you have to save them in order to apply them. Just right click the created mesh and select save.

After you add the fractured static mesh to the level, you must rebuild light for it to work properly. The final result will be something like this:

Destroyed pillar

Remains of pillar

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