Monday 9 December 2013

Ladders and water

Ladders are extremely simple to create, all you need is a volume. Step by step:
  • Create a surface and add a higher ground for the player to go
  • Resize the builder's brush to an adequate size (same height as the higher ground with enough space to fit the player, you can add a robot skeletal mesh to help you with those measures)
  • Add "LadderVolume"
  • Notice that there is an arrow pointing towards a direction, to make the ladder work, you will need to have the arrow pointing to the direction of the wall which will be climbed. To adjust positioning you have to go to its properties(F4) and change Roll, Pitch and Yaw(basically X,Y and Z) values.
  • The ladder is created, to represent it you can use a stair or rope mesh to represent it.

Creating water is a little bit more complicated. Fortunately there is a very well written tutorial which link is:

These elements add more inter activeness to the game, making it more interesting to the player.

Water texture

Interactive elements: Water and ladder

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